
“Though your sins are as scarlet…” have we been reading this verse wrong?
December 10 2018, in Following Jesus | Bible | Social Justice 
A popular verse for Gospel messages, but have we been reading it wrong?
Why the Sabbath was made for man
January 6 2018, in Creation&evolution | Bible | Social Justice 
Well, for men, servant girls, immigrants and hard-working donkeys.

Merry Xmas
December 21 2017, in Following Jesus | Bible | Social Justice
Putting Christ back in Christmas

What did Jesus mean by ‘the poor in spirit’?
December 9 2017,
in Following Jesus | Bible | Social Justice | Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
God’s love and compassion for the broken. (ME/CFS because it’s about you too.)
When Jesus said to love our enemies
July 23 2017, in Following Jesus | Bible
Why loving our enemies is such an important part of following Jesus.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome CFS/ME and Multiple Sclerosis MS
July 3 2017, in Science | Health | Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Just how bad is CFS Chronic Fatigue Syndrome compared to a serious illness like MS Multiple Sclerosis?


Ammonites harass col text
Are White Supremacists Neanderthals?
February 15 2017,
Is the bible the only real basis for morality?
February 1 2017, in Creation & evolution |Following Jesus | Bible | Social Justice 
It is a popular argument in evangelism and debates: without an absolute moral standard handed down from God, all we ever have is moral relativism. ‘Good’ is simply what’s fashionable, whatever seems right to each individual.
But is that what the bible tells us?
The Monkey Verse 
June 5 2016
In a far flung corner of the multiverse, a monkey abandons typing Shakespeare, to ponder cosmology.
Monkey Verse The
Don’t look Down 
June 5 2016, in Following Jesus | Bible
The fear of heights, compassion, and using your superpower to know God.
Into the Heart of God
September 24 2015, in Following Jesus | Bible
…the relationship in God between the Father and Son, not the quiet serenity I expected, but sheer exuberant joy and delight… This is the very relationship God welcomes us into through Jesus.  
How did one photo change the heart of a nation?
September 5 2015, Social Justice |
…it was the photograph of three year old Alan Kurdi lying dead on a Turkish beach that seems to have changed everything.
How many sick and disabled have the Tories killed?
August 30, 2014, in Social Justice |
Iain Duncan Smith must have known that declaring the sick & disabled ‘fit for work’ and cutting their benefits was killing them…
Badger cull 4b
The heart of God
July 31 2015, in Following Jesus | Bible
…the deep insight Matt 3:17 “This is my beloved son” gives us into the nature of God. Not the impassive emotionless deity of Greek Philosophy or deism, but God at whose very heart is a relationship of love between Father and Son…  
“Hunger stalks this country”
Studies of the damage caused by Benefit Cuts. Social Justice |
Over half a million children live in families who cannot afford to feed them properly. Over three and a half million adults cannot afford to eat properly.
Britain isn't eating 4 million
Hiding the UK’s real unemployment level
Social Justice |
1.8 million people unemployed is pretty bad, but the the true level of unemployment is much worse.
Moses and Ancient Israel’s Social Welfare System.
April 25 2015, in Social Justice | Bible
Israel was meant to be an example to nations around them, and the Old Testament Law established the nation of Israel with a comprehensive social welfare system to take care of the poor.
Listening to right wing politicians can turn you psychopathic.
April 8 2015, in Following Jesus | Social Justice


Jesus’ hardest message
March 3 2015, in Following Jesus | Bible
What was the most challenging message Jesus spoke? It wasn’t ‘love you enemies’ though that is close. It is one we commit ourselves to every time we pray the Lord’s Prayer, the Our Father. We often agree blindly…
26 reasons to interpret Genesis figuratively
February 7 2014, in Creation&evolutionBible
With the debate on Evolution and Creation between Ken Ham (of Answers in Genesis) and Bill Nye (the Science Guy) I though it time to dust off something I wrote a few years ago over on Christian Forums
Theodicy, why suffering exists in a good creation, Part 1
January 19, 2014, in Creation&evolutionBible | Theodicy
If a loving God created the world, why is there suffering and death?

Hope to write on ‘Evolution and Original Sin’, ‘Theodicy, the Problem of Suffering in a Good Creation’ and ‘How Jesus Healed me of Literalism’.

How was Genesis 1 understood by the writers of the OT?
December 30, 2013, in Creation&evolutionBible
How was the creation account in Genesis 1 written? Was it meant as literal history to be understood as God timetable of creation, or was it a parable or poetic framework whose purpose was to teach truths other than a literal six day creation?

Christmas Refugees
December 7, 2013 Posted in Social JusticeBible | Leave a reply
Do the snowy images on the news of Syrian refuges remind you of Christmas? They remind me of cosy Nativities and Christmas cards, and I find it very disturbing.

Adam in the age of Science. Part 2, Adam in the NT.
December 7, 2013 in Creation&evolution | Bible | Leave a reply
While there are no theological issues with evolution in the Old Testament, it is another matter when you get to the New Testament…

Adam in the age of Science. Part 1, OT views.
November 29, 2013 in Creation&evolution | Bible | Leave a Comment
In an age when genetic comparisons have show our closest relative are chimpanzees and bonobos, how are Christians to understand Adam?
Manuscript half monkey

December 8, 2012
It seems to me absurd to doubt that a man may be an ardent Theist & an evolutionist.
Charles Darwin May 7th 1879

Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are 
from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version, 
copyright ©2001 by Crossway Bibles, 
a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. 
Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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